
Check out the new 

Oticon Intent

What if there was a hearing aid that understood what you wanted to listen to?

Don’t miss out on the little moments in life. If you’re experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, find your nearest hearing center. It could make a big difference.

Stay sharp in the real world

Laughter, a crowd cheering, or even a conversation with a friend or loved one helps to shape our lives, adding richness and texture to all our experiences. When hearing works like it should, your brain gets the rich input it needs to understand the sounds around you. But when your brain lacks access to the real sounds of life due to a hearing problem, it’s forced to work harder to fill in the gaps, which can be tiring. In addition, you could miss out on something special.

Now you can get back the real sounds of life — precise and balanced — with Oticon Real, delivering:

  • Technology that supports how the brain naturally processes sounds

  • Better access to the full sound scene

  • Increased awareness, engagement, and focus in the real world